Heat treatment equipments –
heating, slackening, forming

Industry and laboratory furnaces, such as chamber, continuous or
round conveyor belt furnaces having quite different drive technologies and
conveyor systems, which can be adapted to your specific requirements.

Electrical heating up to 750°C. Standard furnaces as well as customised
heat treatment equipments for metallic parts and plastics, for drying, tempering,
shrinking, slackening, preheating etc. We further have a large complementary
range of supplying equipments and machines for the subsequent processing of the
heat treated parts, such as spring setting equipments, gauging and controlling stations,
supplying and packaging units.

- FBO Conveyor belt furnaces
- SKO Chamber furnaces, Laboratory furnaces
- RFO Spiral conveyor furnaces with swing drive
- RFB Round conveyor belt furnaces
- LVO In-line conveyor belt furnaces with swing drive

Heat treatment equipments
– plastics
– cast iron
– glue
– compound materials
– others

Folder RFO (pdf, approx. 600 kb)

Conveyor belt furnaces
Spiral conveyor furnace
with visiual testing machine

Contact us for further information!
Tel. +49 2351 6 33 66, info@dreisbach-jungmann.de